10 weeks until the next High Point Furniture Market. Yup, that's how I am counting time now. Can you believe it? Told you summer comes and goes in a wink...
It has been one busy summer.
For one, sales for Distinctive Chesterfields hit a record high in July, wherein we actually shipped out 2 full containers stateside of pre sold orders. Usually we do one 40 foot container/month.
Although we have a handful of Trade sales on there, including a 2nd shipment of 12 sofas to the Good Fella's Pizzeria chain that houses a Speak Easy Lounge within their premises, the bulk of our sales remain direct to the consumer.
Understanding that you as a designer want to feel comfortable representing a product to your client, I thus encourage you to come for a sit and see for yourself the quality craftsmanship of our made in the UK product....and get in on the action.

by appointment, throughout the year.
Back when I started selling Chinese Antiques online, what is now 16 years ago, I had a hard time believing people would buy something so substantial and personal merely from a photo. Lucky for me they did, and do, as my business has thus been fueled over the years, to both trade and consumer alike.
It is the same, but even more mind boggling, that I am experiencing this fervor for purchasing chesterfield sofas. One it is a foreign transaction, that being said, charges originate from the UK, which doesn't seem to be an issue. Customers aren't even getting a photo of their piece, let alone a "test sit" until the order lands at their doorstep. And with 3 plus years under my belt representing this company, I can comfortably say that we have an extremely high rate of customer satisfaction. AND I would LOVE to see you, my Trade Customers, get in on this.
I've seen alot of chatter online with malcontent with how High Point showrooms aren't servicing their Trade accounts well, or have a huge minimum to get discounts...or are simply inconsistent from one territory or rep to the next.
I want to pipe up here and remind you that I have and will continue to give the highest level of customer service to all of my accounts, and will happily stay on top of your order as it makes it way to you/your client. Yes,seasoned to working with shipping issues and happily take them on/keep you abreast of all.
No order is too big or too small.
Whether your buying a Chinese Antique, or ordering a reproduction piece to be made on your behalf, or purchasing a sofa, from in stock or customized, or buying a handcrafted wrought iron table from Mexico or a Thai cut glass mirror, I will work with you with the care and attention you deserve and expect....as I have for the past 16 years....hand holding until you/your client has satisfactorily received what you purchased on their behalf. My job is to make you look good and take a load off your back. IF I have the product mix that you need for your client, then I invite you to come shop with me. And for those of you that have, I thank you so very much for putting your trust in me and the product I represent. Happy Customers truly do make my world go round!
So, off my soap box. I welcome you to my world and look forward to assisting you any way I can.
On a personal note, am hitting road, or rather, catching a plane, next week for Toronto. With my parents turning 91 and 92 this Fall I am feeling the need to visit them as often as I can make it happen. Daughter and son in law in the area as well, and always nice to see/stay with them. Also do believe a family reunion for my Dad's side is in the works...

Trusting this finds you well and enjoying what lazy days of summer we have left.
Please let me know how I can help you fill a need for your clients. Here for you....