Big deep breath....
How long have I been pondering, wishing, thinking, talking about a new website? Too long it feels. So long that I can't believe it is happening.
What does it take to make such a reality?
A vision for what you want over and above what you had that has evolved from having a line of Chinese antique/reproductions, to include a collection of merchandise that complements that which you've cultivated for over 15 years.
A site that will serve both your retail and trade customers....making it easy for them to shop. Yes, that means taking the leap to a "punch and click site"....don't worry, I am still here to talk to you...but some of you would rather just shop as if you're on Amazon Prime, which is, by the way, AMAZING! Yes, they have that online shopping experience down to a impressed.

It takes having someone to work with you to
make your vision a reality. That merits a HUGE thank you to Meridith Kovach who has taken on this challenge with yours truly.

It takes believing that this is the next right step for you and your business...and committing the time to make it happen.
I hope you enjoy perusing my new ZAAR Design Center site, where Antiques by Zaar serves as anchor to a wider collection of product.
Please let me know what you think. Comments, Compliments AND Criticisms all welcome.
I hope you enjoy what you find here.
It does remain to be a work in progress, but I finally feel it is "ready" enough to be presented.
Yup, big deep breath...